What is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), often referred to as “tapping,” is a form of psychological acupressure based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture. Developed in the 1990s by Gary Craig, EFT is designed to reduce stress and emotional distress by tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on particular emotions or issues.

EFT is a holistic therapy that integrates principles from Eastern medicine and modern psychology. The technique is grounded in the belief that negative emotions can disrupt the body’s energy system, leading to physical and emotional imbalances. By tapping on key acupressure points while simultaneously addressing the emotional issues at hand, EFT aims to restore balance and promote emotional well-being.

How EFT is Used in Therapy

EFT is a versatile therapeutic tool that can be used to address a wide range of emotional and physical issues. The process involves tapping on specific points on the face, hands, and upper body while focusing on a negative emotion, thought, or physical sensation. This dual approach—physical stimulation combined with psychological focus—is thought to release blockages in the body’s energy system, leading to relief from emotional distress and physical symptoms.

Here’s how EFT typically works:

  1. Identifying the Issue: The first step in EFT is to identify the specific problem or emotion you want to address. This could be anything from anxiety, stress, or fear, to physical pain or a limiting belief.
  • Rating the Intensity: Before beginning the tapping process, you rate the intensity of the emotion or issue on a scale from 0 to 10. This helps track progress as the session continues.
  • Setting Up: You start by tapping on the “karate chop” point on the side of your hand while repeating a setup statement. This statement acknowledges the problem while also affirming self-acceptance (e.g., “Even though I feel anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself”).
  • Tapping Sequence: You then tap through a series of points on the face and body while focusing on the issue. As you tap, you may speak a reminder phrase that keeps your attention on the problem (e.g., “This anxiety”).
  • Reassessing the Intensity: After completing the tapping sequence, you re-rate the intensity of the issue. Often, the intensity will decrease, and you can continue tapping to reduce it further or address any remaining aspects of the problem.

EFT is designed to be simple enough to use on your own, yet it can be profoundly effective when guided by a trained therapist, especially for more complex emotional issues.

The Benefits of EFT for Neurodiverse Parents

Parenting a neurodiverse child can be emotionally challenging. Stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm are common, as parents navigate the unique needs of their children. The Emotional Freedom Technique offers a powerful, accessible way to manage these emotions, providing parents with tools to maintain their own emotional well-being while supporting their children.

  1. Reducing Stress and Anxiety: EFT is highly effective in reducing stress and anxiety, making it an ideal tool for parents who often feel overwhelmed by the demands of parenting. By regularly practicing EFT, you can lower your stress levels, leading to a calmer, more balanced state of mind.
  • Managing Emotional Overwhelm: The emotional intensity that comes with parenting a neurodiverse child can be overwhelming. EFT helps you process and release these emotions, preventing them from building up and leading to burnout.
  • Improving Emotional Resilience: By regularly engaging in EFT, parents can build greater emotional resilience. This resilience allows you to better handle the ups and downs of parenting, bounce back from difficult situations, and maintain a positive outlook.
  • Supporting Physical Health: Emotional stress can manifest in physical symptoms, such as headaches, tension, or digestive issues. EFT can help alleviate these physical symptoms by addressing the underlying emotional causes.
  • Enhancing Parenting Skills: When parents are emotionally balanced, they are better equipped to handle the challenges of parenting. EFT can help you remain calm and centred, improving your ability to respond to your child’s needs with patience and understanding.
  • Addressing Limiting Beliefs: EFT can help parents identify and release limiting beliefs that may be hindering their parenting or their own personal growth. For example, beliefs such as “I’m not a good enough parent” or “I can’t handle this” can be transformed into more empowering thoughts.
  • Creating a Positive Home Environment: As parents become more emotionally balanced through EFT, this sense of calm and positivity can extend to the entire family. A parent who is less stressed and more emotionally resilient is likely to create a more supportive and nurturing home environment.
  • Easy to Learn and Apply: One of the major advantages of EFT is its simplicity. Parents can easily learn and apply EFT on their own or with their children, making it a practical tool for daily emotional management.

How EFT Can Help You

Emotional Freedom Technique is an invaluable resource for parents of neurodiverse children. It offers a simple, yet effective way to manage emotional stress, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall well-being. Whether used as a daily practice or in response to specific emotional challenges, EFT can help you maintain the emotional balance needed to support your child and create a positive family environment.

As a parent, your emotional health is just as important as your child’s well-being. EFT provides you with the tools to care for your own emotional needs, empowering you to be the best parent you can be. By incorporating EFT into your self-care routine, you can reduce stress, build resilience, and approach parenting with greater confidence and peace of mind.

In summary, the Emotional Freedom Technique is a versatile, powerful tool for managing the emotional challenges of parenting. Whether you are dealing with stress, anxiety, or feelings of overwhelm, EFT offers a path to greater emotional balance and well-being. With regular practice, EFT can help you navigate the complexities of parenting a neurodiverse child, allowing you to approach each day with calm, confidence, and compassion.